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About Us - Kenneth Lagerstrom,, and Red Phoenix Productions

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Red Phoenix Productions - Unique corporate and private services related to the human hands.

Red Phoenix Productions is owned and operated by Kenneth Lagerstrom, and provides the following professional services:
Click for a description of the Phoenix Logo Red Phoenix Productions
#207 - 4373 Halifax Street
Burnaby, BC, Canada V5C 5Z2
Telephone: 1-604-298-4770

By appointment only


Kenneth A. Lagerstrom

My father has no hands, which as a young child I believed to be perfectly normal and natural. I was eight years old when the school librarian was given the arduous task of proving to me that my own hands wouldn't fall off one day. Her efforts began a life-long study into the wonders of Cheirology. Over the years the search has taken me on a bizarre journey through topics with only the hands in common: Palmistry, Chirokinesics, meditation hand positions, Laying of Hands, slight-of-hand, Burning Palm, Iron Palm, reflexology.... the list goes on and on. (I used to be a member of MENSA CANADA, which explains a lot.)

In 2001 I received the "Year of the Volunteers" certificate from the Government of Canada for outstanding service and contribution.

In 2002 I became the first British Columbia Representative for 18 Daoist Palms system of internal kung fu, and was later named as the first "International Lohon".

Ever since my daughter was born in 2003, I've had the privilege of being a "stay-at-home-dad" while continuing my study of the hands. I take care of all the website maintenance myself (content writing, webmastering, etc.) for both sites.

I am also a current member of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS).

Email: - Telephone: 604-298-4770 was started back in 1998, and continues to be one of the most viewed hand-related sites on the internet. Over the years I've answered literally thousands of questions about the hands. Read some of them, or ask a question of your own. started in 2003 as a designated website for information on internal energy meditations and the 18 Daoist Palms system of Kung Fu.

The Phoenix Logo

Click for a description of the Phoenix Logo The Phoenix Logo is a registered Trade-Mark of Kenneth Lagerstrom. Click on the logo image for a description of its meaning.

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Articles: Baby Sign Language - Dispensation of Dermatoglyphic Whorls - Finger and Knuckle Names - Fingernail Problems - The Forer Effect - Free Palm Readings - Hand Transplant Options - Healing Hands - How to Find a Qualified Palm Reader - Making Fingerprints - Palmistry Myths - The Phoenix Logo - PalmTherapy - Simian Line - more....

© Copyright 1998-2007 Red Phoenix Productions. All Rights Reserved. Written by Kenneth A. Lagerstrom